Basic Obedience/Household Manners

Is your dog jumping up on you or your guests? Not coming when you call her? Dragging you down the road on a leash? WE CAN HELP!!!

Class Information

  • Age Requirement: 6 months & up. No previous training needed.
  • Duration: 6 weeks – class meets 1 hour every week on the same day of the week and time as the starting date of the class.
  • Location: Puppy Love Dog Training
  • Price: $200 includes training handouts and basic clicker equipment (a $40 value).
  • Class size: Limited to no more than 6 dogs per class.
  • THE FIRST CLASS IS ORIENTATION WITHOUT DOGS. We’ll cover some strategies to manage your dog at home and introduce you to our training methods using one of our dogs for you to practice on.


Only class dates with availability will be shown on the sign-up page. During periods of high-demand, classes may be filled 4-6 weeks in advance.

Don’t see the class date you’d like? Leave us a comment on the sign up and we can contact you with any openings. Email us with general questions to

Upcoming Class Start Dates


  • Monday April 14th at 7pm with Jennifer
  • Friday April 18th at 8pm with Aubrey
  • Wednesday April 23rd at 7pm with Jennifer
  • Sunday April 27th at 5pm with Emily


Payment is REQUIRED on or before the class start date by either credit card via PayPal, or cash.


  • Teaching your dog to pay attention to you – even with other people and dogs around
  • Walk on the leash without pulling and pay attention while walking on a leash
  • Sit and down on one command
  • Stay (sit stay and down stay) even with distractions
  • Stop jumping up on people–greet people politely
  • Come when called (even away from toys and food)
  • Wait at the door (not bolting out)
  • “Leave it alone”
  • Calm and attentive around new people and dogs

All of our training exercises are also good preparation for the AKC Canine Good Citizen Test

You can use this class to train your dog, bond with your dog, and have some fun time every week with your dog. Dogs that are obedience trained are better companions, are happier, and just more fun to have around. Our classes focus on useful, practical, household obedience needs — not fancy show ring exercises.

Our classes are taught both indoors in an air-conditioned room and outdoors as weather permits.

This class is a good starting point for the over 6-month-old dog with no previous training and is also a great tune up for dogs which have had previous training but need some refresher work. Class size is limited to 6 dogs per class. This allows plenty of personal attention for you and your dog.

We use positive reinforcement to train dogs and specialize in “clicker training” which is a fast, effective, and fun method to train animals of any kind. We will teach you smarter ways to stop bad behaviors so that you will need to use little if any punishment to train your best friend.