Your favorite, highly-recommended, effective, and fun Puppy Love classes are now being held online by our experienced instructors!
We are VERY excited to offer some of our ORIGINAL and NEW fun, effective, highly-recommended Puppy Love classes during the COVID-19 shelter-in-place. Until further notice, Puppy Love’s in-person classes have been postponed to comply with government regulations.
We graciously appreciate your support of local small businesses and your patience through these uncertain times!
The Details
During the shelter-in-place due to COVID19, you may have noticed a few “not so desirable” behaviors that your sweet Fido does at home, in the backyard, or when going on walks – our classes keep you, your family, and your dog mentally engaged and practicing desirable behaviors to enjoy time together!
How does it work?
Classes are held in a group setting either via a live video streaming (internet and video capabilities required) or a set of recorded training lessons with one of our experienced trainers. Further details on “how” are sent out via our instructor – they may vary based on class type! Some classes will even come with a training “starter kit” (Scent Games, Nosework, etc) with necessary supplies.
Classes are held every week at the same time for 1 hour for a specified number of weeks. Instructors are also available via email between class dates!
What classes do you offer?
We are excited to offer some of our “original” classes as well as a few new classes:
- Puppy Kindergarten
- Basic Obedience/Household Manners
- Introduction to Clicker Training
- Junior Nosework Levels 1 & 2
- Junior Party Tricks
How do I register and pay?
Link for registration can be found here or below each class description. If you are able to register, you are confirmed for the class. Payments will be collected via PayPal prior to class start date – an instructor will send this to you after you register for a class.
Our “Best-Sellers” But Online!
Puppy Kindergarten

Does this look like your year so far? …We can help!
- One of our best-selling and most-recommended classes! The curriculum for this online course covers all the topics in our in-person Puppy Kindergarten classes (with the exception of group puppy socialization) but via live video trainings!
- Recommended Age: Puppies 9 weeks to 8 months of age.
- Duration: 6 weeks
- Price: $170
- Class size: limited to no more than 6 puppies per class. This allows lots of individual attention for you and your puppy.
- Upcoming Class Dates:
- Check back for upcoming dates!
Register Here
Basic Obedience/Household Manners
- One of our best-selling and most-recommended classes! The curriculum for this online course covers all the topics in our in-person Basic Obedience/Household Manners classes but via live video trainings!
- Recommended Age: Puppies 9 weeks to 8 months of age.
- Duration: 6 weeks
- Price: $170
- Class size: limited to no more than 6 dogs per class.
- Upcoming Class Dates:
- Check back for upcoming dates!
Register Here
New Online Classes!
Introduction to Clicker Training
Introduction to Clicker Training is a “crash course” in learning the concepts of positive reinforcement, identifying correct behaviors, and reward timing to effectively “communicate” with your dog! The information presented in this class can be applied to teaching your dog all kinds of behaviors. We are offering this as a great prerequisite class to the online Junior class series.
- Recommended Age: Dogs of any age.
- Duration: 2 weeks
- Price: $50
- Class size: limited to no more than 6 dogs per class.
- Class format: live weekly classes via Google Hangouts
- Upcoming Class Dates:
- Check back for upcoming dates!
Register Here
Classes Specifically Created for Junior Handlers
Junior Scent Games Levels 1 & 2
Junior Scent Games (Nosework classes geared towards junior handlers ages 10 and up) is a great way to enrich your dog’s day with productive, fun, and exciting mental and physical stimulation. Dogs need to sniff to process their world and Nosework is a great way to let them use their strongest sense while also strengthening the working relationship between dogs and their people. In this class your dog will learn to find the scent and alert the handler, Level 2 will add difficulty and continued learning to the Level 1 class. Level one will use food and boxes. A continuation of Junior Nosework Level 1. In the second level the student and dog will work as a team to build search skills to small containers and to a novel odor.
- Recommended Age: Children over 10 years old, dogs of any age.
- Prerequisite: Introduction to Clicker Training or have completed a Puppy Kindergarten / Basic Obedience class.
- Duration: 6 weeks
- Price: $100
- Class size: limited to no more than 5-6 dogs per class.
- Class format: live weekly classes via Google Hangouts
- Upcoming Class Dates:
- Check back for upcoming dates!
Register Here
Junior Party Tricks
Junior Party Tricks is a class geared toward junior handlers (ages 10 and up) to learn how to effectively teach their dog a variety of simple and complex tricks including, spin, shake, roll over, back up, weave between legs and play bow. Tricks are both fun for the dogs and the family and a creative way to keep working on obedience skills.
- Recommended Age: Children over 10 year old, dogs of any age… even “old dogs” can learn new tricks!
- Prerequisite: Introduction to Clicker Training recommended or have completed a Puppy Kindergarten / Basic Obedience class.
- Duration: 6 weeks
- Price: $100
- Class size: limited to no more than 6 dogs per class.
- Class format: live weekly classes via Google Hangouts
- Upcoming Class Dates:
- Check back for upcoming dates!
Register Here
Agility Foundation Classes
Start Line Stay
This class is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about agility foundations.
- Recommended Age: dogs 6 months and up.
- Duration: 4 weeks
- Price: $80
- Class format: private Facebook group. Each Wednesday, our instructor will post an instructional video. You will be able to ask questions and post your training videos for comments/suggestions.
- Equipment needed: no agility equipment needed but you will need a raised surface of some sort and a mat.
- Upcoming Class Dates:
- Check back for upcoming dates!
Register Here
Cone and 1 Jump Exercises
This class is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about agility foundations.
- Recommended Age: dogs 6 months and up.
- Duration: 4 weeks
- Price: $80
- Class format: private Facebook group. Each Thursday, our instructor will post an instructional video. You will be able to ask questions and post your training videos for comments/suggestions.
- Equipment needed: 2 traffic cones (or similar items) and 1 agility jump.
- Equipment needed for this class is available for rent, purchase, or DIY (please contact the instructor)
- Upcoming Class Dates:
- Check back for upcoming dates!
Register Here
2 Jump Exercises
This class is open to anyone who has attended a Foundation Agility class at Puppy Love or has taken the Cone and 1 Jump Exercises class.
- Recommended Age: dogs 9 months and up.
- Duration: 4 weeks
- Price: $80
- Class format: private Facebook group. Each Friday, our instructor will post an instructional video. You will be able to ask questions and post your training videos for comments/suggestions.
- Equipment needed: 2 agility jumps.
- Equipment needed for this class is available for rent, purchase, or DIY (please contact the instructor)
- Upcoming Class Dates:
- Check back for upcoming dates!
Register Here
Health Requirements
Since we will be meeting virtually, we will be waiving health requirements. We recommend contacting your veterinarian to inquire on any vaccinations your dog may need and their current office policies. Puppy Love offers a “Visit to the Vet” Mini Class if you’d like to practice vet exam techniques!
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